• Damp, mould and condensation

    It’s vital you report any signs of damp, mould and condensation to us as soon as possible so we can help you.  

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  • Homes for Life

    Moving accessible housing up the agenda.  

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  • My Horizon App

    Day or Night... Manage your tenancy at a touch!

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Latest Horizon news

First-ever Accessibility and Inclusion award winner announced

The inaugural winner of the Accessibility and Inclusion Award, sponsored by Horizon Housing Association, was announced at the Scottish Home Awards 2024. Primrose Place, Alloa, a partnership between ...

Lorna Cameron: Doing more for people this Scottish Learning Disability Week and beyond

As we look forward to Learning Disabilities this week and the theme of digital inclusion, it’s important we find time within our organisations to see what more we can do to improve digital inclu...

We've updated our MyLink, My Horizon and MyLarkfield apps!

Our app provider will be issuing an update today, 27 March 2024, to upgrade you to our new and improved tenant apps. No need to register a new account or download a new app, just update your MyHorizo...

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